Powered by Catholic Harvest Food Pantry to distribute Thanksgiving meals to those in need in our York County service area. 

  • OUR GOAL = 1,600 MEALS

    Help us reach our goal and provide 1,600 meals those in need in York.
    Saturday, November 18, at the York Expo Center

Catholic Harvest Food Pantry is gearing up for YorkGiving: Thanksgiving Edition. This year, we anticipate distributing approximately 1,600 Thanksgiving meals to families in need in York County. Meals include a turkey and all the trimmings for a complete Thanksgiving meal. The goal is that families can prepare and serve the meal at home, spending time with family and friends.

The YorkGiving meal distribution will take place on Saturday, November 18th at the York Expo Center - Memorial Hall West.

Every client that registers to pick up their Thanksgiving meal on Saturday, November 18th will receive a postcard in the mail. This postcard is your voucher and must be brought with you on pickup day. Please call 717-714-1921 with any questions OR to cancel your meal.

Informatión de la postal en Español

Esta es su  Tarjeta de Recibo de York Giving.

Sabado Nov. 18, 2023, 10 am - 2 PM. Tiene que presentar esta tarjeta para recibir su Caja de comida

York Expo Center

Carros: Entrada por Highland Ave

Peatones: Entrada por Market St. tomar el paso peatonal al Memorial Hall

Llame al 717-714-1921 para cualquier pregunta o para Cancelar su comida

Lunes, Nov. 19, 2023.  9 am - 2pm para personas que no asistieron el fin de semana


Help Us Reach Our Goal & Give 1,500 Meals