We need your help to feed hungry families

Volunteers will be needed during YorkGiving, to organize, assemble, and distribute meals to our important guests. There are many roles, and this project is a great opportunity to get involved and to truly make a difference.

This year's location is the York Expo Center - Memorial Hall West.

The date is Saturday, November 23, 10am - 2pm.

Delivery will Be Saturday, November 23 AND Sunday, November 24. This is a great family activity!

*Alternate client pick up day is Monday, November 25th.

Online volunteer registration opens Monday, October 21. Click here to Sign Up!

Each volunteer needs a separate profile. Families with children ages 12 and up are welcome to sign up. Youth ages 12-17 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. To accommodate all who wish to volunteer, please sign up for 1 shift only.

Questions? Contact us at: [email protected]